Skirt and a Sweater: Transitioning to Fall & Accepting Change
Skirt: Modern Femme Vegan Leather Mini Skirt by Free People // Sweater: Aerie Surf Sweater by Aerie // Necklace: Moon Necklace by DyNaMo // Sunglasses: Target Women's Round Sunglasses - A New Day™
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There’s nothing I love more than the changing of seasons, especially when Fall comes around. As the heat dies down and you begin to feel that slight chill in the air, you know it’s game on: skirt and sweater time. I love some bare legs with a drapey knit sweater - isn’t there something subtly sexy about revealing a little skin with one half of your body while the other half is covered by a cozy sweater? It’s like my legs are in LA but my torso is in Seattle.
Which frankly is how my brain feels most of the time; split between LA and Seattle. Half of me is in the warm LA sun, while the other half is in cool, cloudy Seattle.
I moved back to Seattle from LA a year and a half ago, which is blowing my mind right now. It hasn’t been easy being away from my friends in LA - in fact sometimes it’s downright heartbreaking.
Leaving home for New York at age 18 then eventually moving to LA, I hadn’t anticipated that I was basically signing up for having pieces of my heart scattered across the country over the years. Returning home to Seattle a year and a half ago meant leaving amazing friendships behind in LA. The same went for when I left New York to move to LA. With every move, your heart breaks a little despite the fact that it's the right kind of change. But regardless of the sacrifice involved, I feel like I’m where I’m meant to be, where my heart never left - Seattle, I love you, heartbreak and all.
As we head into Autumn and Skirt-and-Sweater-Land, change feels a little less scary than it is beautiful.
Bare legged and sweater-clad, I’m reminded that embracing change is what led me back home to a life and city I’m enamored with. If you’re at a precipice in your life where you feel yourself being pulled toward a huge change, but feel paralyzed by how intimidating that cliff dive is, I’m here to tell you: make the change. As you fall from that cliff, everything else will fall into place.
It's the skirt-and-a-sweater mindset; allowing the change to change you and what you do to adjust to it. If bare legs and the warmth of a sweater amidst the changing of seasons makes you feel good, then wear that metaphorical skirt/sweater combo with pride! It's like a physical manifestation of your acceptance of change, as if you're looking at change in the face and saying "I'm here to roll with you and I'll adjust however I need to adjust to make myself comfortable with you".
As hard as it is to miss people as a result of making a big life change, it really is, in fact, a wonderful thing. In the words of the great Winnie the Pooh, “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”