5 Studio Apartment Layout Ideas That Will Make Your Studio Flow Beautifully

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Figuring out your studio apartment layout can be tricky. For such a small space, a studio can be quite intimidating!

But here’s the thing: once you unlock the right studio apartment setup for you, life in a studio can be amazing. And I know from experience! I lived in my studio for 5 years, and I made it into my own dreamy little retreat. It’s definitely possible.

So in this post, I’m going to go through 5 common studio apartment layout configurations to give you some ideas and help you create your own little studio haven that brings you joy everyday. 🥰

Would you rather watch than read? Here’s the video! ↓

In this video, I show you how I would arrange the furniture in 5 real-life studio apartments listed online. If you would like to see visual examples of these 5 different studio apartment layouts, definitely give the video a watch!


Studio Apartment Layout #1: The Row


I call this layout the Row. This is where the bed and the couch are side by side, forming kind of a row with each other.

Here are some examples of the Row layout:

And to see how I would arrange a real-life studio apartment in the Row layout, this link will take you to the timestamp in my video where I walk you through it!


Studio Apartment Layout #2: The Triangle


I’m calling this next studio apartment layout the Triangle. This is where the bed is against one wall, then the couch is diagonal from it and the TV is across from that.

Here are some examples of what this can look like:

To see how I would arrange a real-life studio apartment in the Triangle layout, this link will take you to the timestamp in my video where I walk you through it!


Studio Apartment Layout #3: The Stack


I call this studio apartment layout the Stack. This is where you “stack” the couch against the foot of the bed and they both face the wall with the TV.

Here are some examples of what this can look like:

To see how I would arrange a real-life studio apartment in the Stack layout, this link will take you to the timestamp in my video where I walk you through it!


Studio Apartment Layout #4: The Couch Divider


This next layout is what I had in my studio, which I'm calling the Couch Divider. This is where you have a floating couch situated alongside the bed, sort of forming parallel lines with each other. And in this arrangement, the couch acts as a divider that divides the bedroom area from the living room area.

Here are some visual examples of how the Couch Divider configuration can look:


To see how I would arrange a real-life studio apartment in the Couch Divider layout, this link will take you to the timestamp in my video where I walk you through it!


Studio Apartment Layout #5: The Hotel Room


This final common studio apartment layout is what I'm calling the Hotel Room. This is where a studio is so small that you can't fit both a couch and a bed in it. So you basically just have a bed and that functions as your bed and your couch, like a hotel room.

You could also potentially opt for a fold-out couch, which would give you some flexibility. But I personally wouldn’t go that route becauseI just know myself too well… I would find the manual labor of pulling out the the bed from the couch every night to be a huge pain in the ass. That's the last thing I want to do when I'm tired and I want to go to bed. But you might not be as lazy as I am!

So I would probably opt for the this Hotel Room layout, which can look like this:

To see how I would arrange a real-life studio apartment in the Hotel Room layout, this link will take you to the timestamp in my video where I walk you through it!

So those were 5 common studio apartment layouts you can consider for your own studio!

I know one of the hardest things about making your studio flow nicely is just figuring out how to arrange your furniture. It might be the hardest part. But hopefully this gave you some inspiration!

And if you want more studio apartment inspo, specifically from when I actually lived in my studio, then I recommend you watch this playlist. It's filled with all of my videos that are specifically about studio apartment styling, so you'll definitely walk away with tons of studio ideas and advice. 😊

For more apartment styling tips & cozy living inspiration, check out my YouTube channel! It’s a lovely, comfy corner of the internet I think you’ll enjoy. 😊



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