My Cozy Bedroom Styling: Mixing Dark Boho & a Touch of Witch Aesthetic

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Since moving into my new apartment, I was honestly feeling pretty unsatisfied with my bedroom styling.

The problem was that it didn't feel like my own little cozy sanctuary yet. A bedroom should feel like an oasis; an escape from the harsh, unforgiving desert that is the outside world… 🙃

And my bedroom just wasn't quite there yet. I could see that she was showing great potential, but I just hadn't fully put in the required effort she deserved.

So in the video below, I fixed that! Come along with me as make my bedroom look more stylish, and more importantly, make it feel like it’s mine. And the result ended up being a cozy, dark boho, witchy retreat. Because of course it did. 😉

And scroll down to read some tips I have for styling a dark, moody, and maximalist bedroom that still feels like a relaxing place to unwind!

Here’s the video! ↓


As a lover of dark, dramatic maximalist interiors, the challenge is always to walk the thin line between intentional drama and accidental chaos. And a bedroom in particular should be the least chaotic room of your apartment.

For maximalists, it’s a delicate dance when we're attracted to lots of cozy layers and decorative items yet we still want to our space to be relaxing and cozy. We want our styling to feel intentional and cohesive, not random and cluttered. And it's a matter of navigating how you assert your style while still keeping things chill in your space.

So here are some of my tips for creating the calm in the storm of your style!


Calm & Cohesive Bedroom Tip #1: Repetition Creates Cohesiveness

So the first styling tool I recommend is the use of repetition. This is definitely one of those tips that I have given so many times in my videos, but I am such a firm believer in it.

Because repetition of colors, textures, subject matter, and so on, creates cohesiveness.

For example, let's say you have an accent color of orange in your space. Repeat that accent color as many times as you please; repeat it in accent pillows, repeat it in throws, repeat it in art. Just find ways, even just subtle little ways, to repeat that accent color, and then you'll find that it instantly creates a sense of cohesiveness. And cohesiveness creates calmness.

Calm & Cohesive Bedroom Tip #2: Mindful Styling vs Mindless Clutter

The next thing I suggest is to distinguish between mindful styling and mindless clutter. Clutter creates chaos, and in the battle of aesthetics, clutter always defeats style. You can have the most beautifully styled bedroom, but if there's clutter everywhere, or even just a little bit of clutter, it will distract from the beauty that you're creating with your styling.

So definitely avoid clutter at all costs, and to keep clutter at a minimum in your bedroom, I suggest you employ a good storage situation. For my storage tips, I recommend you watch this video; it was in my last apartment where storage was a nightmare. So I definitely check out this video if you want to delve more into some storage ideas:

Basically, I just suggest keeping clutter at a minimum. The absence of clutter will create calm.

Calm & Cohesive Bedroom Tip #3: Lighting is Everything

Lighting really will make or break the sense of calm, cozy vibes in a bedroom, or any room honestly. You want to create the ambiance, the mood, and the vibes in your bedroom, you know? You want to be able to walk into your bedroom and feel a sense of serenity wash over you. And lighting plays a big role in creating that serenity.

And for God's sake, never turn on the overhead light; keep your hand off that light switch! The overhead lights that already exist on the ceilings in your apartment create so much ugliness in a space. They give a room a sad, dingy, yellowy cast and seem to suck the pretty out of everything in the space. Not to be dramatic about it. 🙃 I mean, just look at my decorating style, I’m nothing if not dramatic, haha.

But seriously, lighting plays a huge role in how pretty a space looks and also how relaxing it feels. And it can make or break the vibes in your bedroom.

Calm & Cohesive Bedroom Tip #4: Style With Your Gut

My last tip for creating the sense of calmness amidst a lot of dramatic styling is to simply listen to your gut. If something feels harmonious, your gut's going to feel it. And then on the other side, if you feel friction around a styling choice, definitely listen to that.

I think sometimes we try to convince ourselves that we like something because it cost money, it took time, and maybe it involved some hard work. Whatever it is, sometimes we don't really listen to ourselves when inside we are screaming, "This isn't working in this space!" But we stubbornly cling to the choice because we don't want to feel like we've made a mistake.

But mistakes are part of any creative process, and the interior styling process is no exception. The trick is to really just listen to what your gut is telling you because it will tell you everything.


So those were my tips for creating a calm and cohesive bedroom!

I hope none of these felt too basic, but sometimes we kind of have to go back to basics and remind ourselves ofthe simplest concepts. I certainly need to be reminded of a lot of very simple concepts. 🙃

Just keep these things in mind because everyone deserves to have a calming oasis of a bedroom.

And be sure to watch the video to see my bedroom styling in action!

For more apartment styling tips & cozy living inspiration, check out my YouTube channel! It’s a lovely, comfy corner of the internet I think you’ll enjoy. 😊



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